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Record 3/65
Interview of Emily Adams by Emily Kilbourne. Adams discusses her background, basket making, and making lye soap. Interviewer's description- "Mrs. Adams' way of life was common in her time. People worked long, hard hours for little pay. They raised big families on farms that were sometimes their only livelihood. They walked where they had to go, regardless of the miles. An eighth grade education was considered good enough for anybody. They did all their own doctoring except for erations or an occasional visit to the dentist. She, as most of the neighbors did, started housekeeping with the barest essentials. The entertainment came in forms of games and square dances on Saturday. It was a major event when radio brought The Grand Ol' Opry to the homes. Getting a glimpse of life then, makes us appreciate the advantages we have."
Tape, Magnetic -Southeast Kentucky Community and Technical College Oral History Collection -Copyright PastPerfect Museum

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Last modified on: December 08, 2022